REGISTER Flood Courses for PC/BR Licensees |
ATTENTION P&C PRODUCERSAll PC/BR licensees need flood training! |
YOU DO NOT SELL FLOOD INSURANCE: 1-Hour "Flood Insurance 101" |
YOU DO SELL FLOOD INSURANCE: 1-Hour "Flood Insurance 101" and 3-Hour (enhanced flood training) "Ringing the Flood Alarm" |
Do you only need the 3-Hour Course? "Ringing the Flood Alarm" 1 Course Registration
P&C producers
need at least one hour of flood insurance instruction. |
P&C producers who sell Flood insurance through the NFIP must also complete 3 hours of enhanced flood instruction. NFIP Producers should take "Ringing the Flood Alarm". |
ITI courses are approved by the NYDFS "Flood Insurance 101" is a 1-hour course approved for all PC, BR, C3, & PA licensees. "Ringing the Flood Alarm" is a 3-hour "enhanced flood" course approved for PC, BR, C3 and TLA licensees. |
NOTE: When you complete the 15-Credit course, there is no charge for the Flood Insurance 101 one-Credit course.
If you need the Enhanced Flood course, a $30 fee applies. All courses require completion of an online exam.